Monday, October 24, 2011

Every morning, His mercies are new!  Praise His holy name!  Things sure DO change - quickly sometimes.  Jeff and Alyson have FINALLY decided to rent the house up the street and I'm so glad.  They will be close enough that if we need help, they can come quick ALTHOUGH I don't expect that to help, but whoever knows?  I have  made the decision to go and get a hip replacement and that is only because I hurt so bad sometimes I can hardly move.  I cannot put it off anymore.  Of course, one thing leads to another, so this morning I have to go for a MRI on my lower half because there is blood in my urine and Thursday, I have to go for a stress test (chemical) and I am NOT looking forward to that.  I cannot have nicotine or caffeine for 24 hours before the test and IF I could quit THAT LONG, I would stay quit.  Just hope and pray I don't fold.  Sam came out yesterday with Emma and Anthony and it was so much fun to have them here.  Cody came over and Sam helped him polish off a paper he was writing for school.  He is so grown up now - I know he's going to be very successful cause he has drive and knows what it is going to take to make it.
I'm still not sure about blogging.  Maybe I should include a recipe or something like other bloggers do.  I DID go and get a bushel of apples Saturday with Kathy.  They were windfalls and it just felt good to be out in the orchard with a friend picking up God's bounty.  I have made applesauce and apple butter so far and cut up some of the apples to put in the freezer for pies later in the winter.  Still have 1/2 bushel left and will have to get to them this week.  Will need to clean, clean, clean after they get moved so after I get home from the hospital I can not have that staring me in the face.
Well, think I will look at a few other blogs and see how they do it as mine really is turning into a diary.

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