Monday, October 24, 2011

Every morning, His mercies are new!  Praise His holy name!  Things sure DO change - quickly sometimes.  Jeff and Alyson have FINALLY decided to rent the house up the street and I'm so glad.  They will be close enough that if we need help, they can come quick ALTHOUGH I don't expect that to help, but whoever knows?  I have  made the decision to go and get a hip replacement and that is only because I hurt so bad sometimes I can hardly move.  I cannot put it off anymore.  Of course, one thing leads to another, so this morning I have to go for a MRI on my lower half because there is blood in my urine and Thursday, I have to go for a stress test (chemical) and I am NOT looking forward to that.  I cannot have nicotine or caffeine for 24 hours before the test and IF I could quit THAT LONG, I would stay quit.  Just hope and pray I don't fold.  Sam came out yesterday with Emma and Anthony and it was so much fun to have them here.  Cody came over and Sam helped him polish off a paper he was writing for school.  He is so grown up now - I know he's going to be very successful cause he has drive and knows what it is going to take to make it.
I'm still not sure about blogging.  Maybe I should include a recipe or something like other bloggers do.  I DID go and get a bushel of apples Saturday with Kathy.  They were windfalls and it just felt good to be out in the orchard with a friend picking up God's bounty.  I have made applesauce and apple butter so far and cut up some of the apples to put in the freezer for pies later in the winter.  Still have 1/2 bushel left and will have to get to them this week.  Will need to clean, clean, clean after they get moved so after I get home from the hospital I can not have that staring me in the face.
Well, think I will look at a few other blogs and see how they do it as mine really is turning into a diary.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Who would have ever guessed!

Today, we celebrated our 51st anniversary and not a single one of our children wished us Happy Anniversary.  I don't think they realize how blessed THEY are to have parents that have stuck it out and with the help of God, made it this far.  Don't want to have a pity party here but it does hurt not to be recognized for something that is very exceptional in this day and age.  I only hope that one of them can say as much a few year down the road.
It's been a rainy day - all day - but we had 18 straight days of sunshine and it IS October 13th - so you really can't complain.  It's coming and nothing we can do will hold it back.  
I got a beautiful bouquet as I have for many years now.  One red rose for every decade and white for the odd years.  If I knew how to post a picture I would and I think I'll research that cause they need to be seen and remembered after they've all wilted and died.  
We are going out to dinner and then we'll be home to spend the evening the way most 70 year olds do.  About the BEST thing that happened today was when Hank came over and stayed awhile and talked and talked and talked.  He is in such turmoil and I pray to God, HE will get hold of him and show him he really needs HIM in charge of his life.  Just to surrender.  He worry's about Nathan, although he never says so, but I know the feeling and don't know HOW I would have gotten through it all without my Saviour.  
Guess this really is turning into a type of diary and it's okay.  Makes me feel better just to put my feelings down on "paper".  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday October 9, 2011

We have had such a string of beautiful days and I think today was the topper.  Went to church and worked in the nursery - love to rock those babies!  Especially Abigail!  She's beautiful and just so placid and happy and smiles at me all the time.  Just what I need after another frustrating week.  Jeff and Alyson were SUPPOSED to move out this week-end - about the 40th week-end they've told us that, but it didn't happen.  He is having a very hard time making any money and I wonder how they will afford to pay rent, utilities, groceries - all the things it takes to live.  Then, Nathan came home.  He'd left this summer after I told him he couldn't continue living the way he was - no job, no school - just smoking pot and "hanging out".  The family he was living with made him left after their son got into trouble with the law (drinking) and they said that Nathan was not a good influence - but to the best of my knowledge, he doesn't drink - at least, not on a regular basis. He had nowhere to go so I had to take him in and I'm allowing him to sleep in the RV - it's a good bed.  We went and FINALLY had his eyes examined yesterday and when Hank gives us the money, we will go and get his glasses made.  He really needs them so he can get his drivers license and HOPEFULLY find a job.  This is his hope anyway.  He cleaned out the gutters for us and put screens on them and we were so glad he showed up to do that.  We simply could not get up on the ladder and do it and would NEVER get up on the roof like he did.  The Lord is good and I don't know what I would do without Him.  We need him to open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing on us so we can help others that are in such need.  Please Father, bless us and we will be a blessing to others - starting with our family.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I can't think of a title for each and every entry so I'm going to post without one!  I've never followed the rules very close anyway -well, I can't say never.  Always follow the rules when I'm driving!  Another incredibly beautiful day - highs in the 70's in October.  Just hope and pray it stays this way for awhile.  Miss the extra daylight we had just a month ago but can't have everything I guess.
Had to go to the doctor for my monthly B12 shot this morning and then they cornered me and said, I was due to see the doctor again.  I do not know why they have to keep drawing blood but I suppose it has to do something with the medication and the B12 shots.  I just HATE to go to the doctor - always have.  Makes me as nervous as a whore in church.  Has to go back to my childhood when I had a dog bite on my face and my Mama ran me to the hospital.  When the police saw her, they picked us up and put the siren on and took us to the hospital and that alone scared me and then when we got to the hospital they held me down, a nurse at my feet and another at each arm and then the doctor gave me a shot in the face and stitched me up.  That did it.  I did NOT like doctors or nurses or hospitals and still do not.  BUT, 2 years ago, I was rushed to the hospital in the back of a ambulance.  I had been sick for almost a week and it was only getting worse.  My temperature was 103 and I had fallen down in the shower.  To make a long story short, I was in the hospital 33 days - 18 of which were in ICU with a respirator down my throat.  I was finally diagnosed with Legionaires Disease - and not given much of a chance.  BUT, God was not ready for me yet and through the prayers of his people, I was restored to a full measure of health.  I was GLAD to see the nurses and doctors and be in the hospital THAT time.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A beautiful fall day

I figured out how to get back and how to post anew!  It's good to learn something new everyday - to challenge yourself and I just did!  Today is the kind of day you'd put in a bottle and keep till the dead of winter and open it to remind yourself there are better days ahead.
We had to take our old dog Beau to the vet yesterday for a horribly ugly "mass" that was developing on his underside.  Needless to say, we were very relieved when the vet said it was more than likely just a fatty tumor and they would be able to remove it without a lot of trouble.  We are going in Friday morning - and I dread leaving him there till night but I suppose that is what is necessary.  Just cannot imagine them putting him in a cage till it's time to be prepared for the operation.  I don't know if they have a cage big enough for him at 120# but I bet they do as he is not the biggest dog they have seen.
Got the living room window washed today and it sparkles in the sunlight.  Something about a clean, clear window that can change your outlook on life - at least it does mine.  I think I like this blogging as long as no one but me reads it - - not a very good writer but I like putting my thoughts down on paper.

Monday, October 3, 2011

     I have heard about blogging - even read a few blogs and so I thought, I could try that and here it goes.  I think it must be a whole lot like keeping a diary which I've intended to do all my life but never got around to it!  I wonder if I've waited too long - - but here goes.  Maybe I'll post tomorrow cause just making this blog so far has worn me out already!